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Profile Bio: Who is Reginald Ballard?
Reginald Ballard (born October 13, 1965) is an American character actor and comedian from Galveston, Texas, who is best known for his recurring roles as Bruh-Man in the sitcom Martin and W.B. on The Bernie Mac Show, which both aired on Fox. After graduation from Ball High School, where he was an all district linebacker, Ballard earned a full football scholarship to Southern Methodist University, where he was also a theatre major. Just before his senior year, Ballard transferred to the University of Missouri, where he continued to play football, while continuing to act, appearing in a university production of A Soldier's Story in the role of C.J. Memphis.
When is Reginald Ballard birthday?
Reginald Ballard was born on October 13, 1965.
How old is Reginald Ballard?
Reginald Ballard is currently 59 years old.
How tall is Reginald Ballard?
Reginald Ballard is 6′ (1.83 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Friends with Bernie Mac.
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