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Profile Bio: Who is Paul Van Scott?
Paul Van Scott is a tall, award winning American actor known for his wide range of emotional roles, his strong voice and his like-ability. The son of two schoolteachers, he grew up in the Washington DC area where he studied film, television and broadcasting. He started a career in commercial radio in 1989. During his radio career Paul has written and acted in 1000s of regional radio and television commercials. After a successful career in commercial radio he decided to pursue his dream of acting. Although Paul started acting s career somewhat late in life, once he auditioned for his first film role he has been booking parts steadily ever since.
When is Paul Van Scott birthday?
Paul Van Scott was born on October 16, 1965.
How old is Paul Van Scott?
Paul Van Scott is currently 59 years old.
How tall is Paul Van Scott?
Paul Van Scott Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Paul Van Scott?
Paul Van Scott zodiac sign is Libra.
Where is Paul Van Scott from?
Paul Van Scott was born in Washington, DC.
What is Paul Van Scott nationality?
Paul Van Scott is originally from DC.
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