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Profile Bio: Who is Victor Morris?
Victor was born in Augsburg, Germany, and raised in New York City. Plays trumpet, euphonium/tuba, soprano sax and Lakota flutes. Dramatic Tenor, who has received guidance from maestros Franco Corelli, George Peckham, Franco Iglesias, Anton Guadagno, George Shirley, and maestra Grace Bumbry. Winner of the IBLA Grand Prize Vocal Competition Accomplished Musician Award, Ragusa-Ibla, Italy. Nominated for Best Featured Actor in a Musical by San Diego Theater Critics Circle for role of Hot Licks Sam in musical "Storyville" at San Diego Repertory, directed by Ken Page. 2010
When is Victor Morris birthday?
Victor Morris was born on February 12, 1956.
How old is Victor Morris?
Victor Morris is currently 68 years old.
How tall is Victor Morris?
Victor Morris is 6′ 1″ (1.85 m) tall.
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