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Profile Bio: Who is Thom Christopher?
Thom Christopher (born October 5, 1940) is an American actor. He is best known for his portrayal of Hawk, a half-man, half-bird warrior in the second season of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century in 1981.
When is Thom Christopher birthday?
Thom Christopher was born on October 05, 1940.
How old is Thom Christopher?
Thom Christopher is currently 84 years old.
How tall is Thom Christopher?
Thom Christopher Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Thom Christopher?
Thom Christopher zodiac sign is Libra.
Where is Thom Christopher from?
Thom Christopher was born in Jackson Heights, Queens, New York City.
What is Thom Christopher nationality?
Thom Christopher is originally from New York City.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Has returned to the very popular role of "Carlo Hesser" on One Life to Live (1968). (June 2005)
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