Roberto Jiménez
Jugador profesional para Gamer Legion de Age of Empires II y Age of Empires IV! Stream didáctico e interactivo, ponte cómodo y pregunta cualquier duda que tengas. Bienvenido!
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Follow Roberto Jiménez on all his official and verified social media channels and stay updated on his latest posts, news, videos, vlogs and more.
Profile Bio: Who is Roberto Jiménez?
What is tatohaoe real name?
tatohaoe real name is Roberto Jiménez
When is Roberto Jiménez birthday?
Roberto Jiménez was born on December 14, 1989.
How old is Roberto Jiménez?
Roberto Jiménez is currently 35 years old.
How tall is Roberto Jiménez?
Roberto Jiménez Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Roberto Jiménez?
Roberto Jiménez zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
Where is Roberto Jiménez from?
Roberto Jiménez was born in Spain.
What is Roberto Jiménez nationality?
Roberto Jiménez is originally from Spain.
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