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Profile Bio: Who is Tasie Lawrence?
Anastasia "Tasie" Katya Breezy Dhanraj (born December 22, 1990), known professionally as Tasie Lawrence, is an English actress and singer. She is best known for playing Mara Jeffray in the Nickeloden show, House of Anubis.
When is Tasie Lawrence birthday?
Tasie Lawrence was born on December 22, 1990.
How old is Tasie Lawrence?
Tasie Lawrence is currently 34 years old.
How tall is Tasie Lawrence?
Tasie Lawrence is 5′ 2″ (1.57 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
She is half English and half Guyanese. She chose the name Anastasia because when her mother was pregnant with her, she went through a list of baby names and she kicked on Anastasia. She shares an apartment with her House of Anubis co-star Ana Mulvoy Ten and is very close to both Mulvoy and another House of Anubis co-star Klariza Clayton.
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