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Profile Bio: Who is Susi Sánchez?
Susi Sánchez is best known for her roles in the Vicente Aranda film Mad Love, where she gives life to Queen Isabella I, and in the plays Cara de plata and Mujeres soñaron caballos. For these three roles she was nominated for the Spanish Actors and Actresses Union Awards, winning as Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Cara de plata. In 2015 she joined the cast of the TV series Carlos, rey emperador, playing Louise of Savoy.
When is Susi Sánchez birthday?
How old is Susi Sánchez?
Susi Sánchez is currently 69 years old.
How tall is Susi Sánchez?
Susi Sánchez is 5′ 9¼″ (1.76 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Aunt of Ruth Gabriel. Sister of Ismael Abellán. Had a longtime relationship with Consuelo Trujillo.
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