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Profile Bio: Who is Sora Tokui?
When is Sora Tokui birthday?
Sora Tokui was born on December 26, 1989.
How old is Sora Tokui?
Sora Tokui is currently 35 years old.
How tall is Sora Tokui?
Sora Tokui is 5′ 2½″ (1.59 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
She also made some manga series such as Makeruna! Aku no Gundan (which was made into a short anime), and Mahou Shoujo Jitaku-chan. She debuted as a voice actress in 2009 as Himemiya in Weiß Survive R. Looking at some of her performances, she seem to have a hard time going downstairs.
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