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Profile Bio: Who is Shiva Negar?
Shiva Negar comes from a very diverse background, born in Iran and raised in Turkey and Canada. She began her career as a child performer by performing on piano and guitar at recitals and in singing competitions. In high school, Shiva was involved in several school plays and theatre, which quickly became her art of choice and decided to take her passion for acting to the next level. Shiva then went to film school in Los Angeles and in between following her passion and her auditions, Shiva also managed to graduate from York University with a degree in Psychology and finished her Post-graduate program in Events management & Public Relations.
When is Shiva Negar birthday?
How old is Shiva Negar?
Shiva Negar is currently 32 years old.
How tall is Shiva Negar?
Shiva Negar is 5′ 5″ (1.65 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Shiva Negar?
Shiva Negar zodiac sign is Gemini.
Where is Shiva Negar from?
Shiva Negar Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Shiva Negar nationality?
Shiva Negar Zodiac: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Born in Iran, moved to Turkey as a youngster before emigrating to Canada. Selected as one of the 10 Canadians to watch by Variety in 2017.
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