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Profile Bio: Who is Scarlett Abinante?
Scarlett Abinante was born on March 24, 2011 in California, USA. Scarlett is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Julia Cody in TNT's Animal Kingdom. She began her acting career portraying the role of Emma Boland on the television series Good Girls (2018). She made her professional acting debut in a 2018 short film Preschool in L.A. (2018). She also appeared on television series Team Kaylie (2019) and Disney Channel's Bunk'd (2015). She is the older sister of actress Cosette Abinate. She also has two younger sisters who are also actresses named Adele and Daphne.
When is Scarlett Abinante birthday?
How old is Scarlett Abinante?
Scarlett Abinante is currently 13 years old.
How tall is Scarlett Abinante?
Scarlett Abinante Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Scarlett Abinante?
Scarlett Abinante zodiac sign is Aries.
Where is Scarlett Abinante from?
Scarlett Abinante was born in California, USA.
What is Scarlett Abinante nationality?
Scarlett Abinante is originally from USA.
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