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Profile Bio: Who is Sahel Rosa?
Sahel Rosa, also sometimes known as Sahel Rose, is an Iranian model and actress working in Japan. She was orphaned in the Iran-Iraq War at age four, and then was adopted, and later moved to Japan with her adopted mother.
When is Sahel Rosa birthday?
Sahel Rosa was born on October 21, 1985.
How old is Sahel Rosa?
Sahel Rosa is currently 39 years old.
How tall is Sahel Rosa?
Sahel Rosa is 5′ 6½″ (1.69 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Sahel Rosa?
Sahel Rosa zodiac sign is Libra.
Where is Sahel Rosa from?
Sahel Rosa Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Sahel Rosa nationality?
Sahel Rosa Zodiac: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Kurdish-Iranian model & actress. Graduated from the Tokyo Metropolitan High School of Agriculture & Horticulture. Graduated from Tokai University.
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