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Profile Bio: Who is Reza Attaran?
Reza Attaran (رضا عطاران) is an Iranian actor, singer, writer, and director from Mashhad. He has appeared in films and television shows. He made his big debut in 1995 starring in Saate Khosh (1995-1996), directed by Mehran Modiri. Reza Attaran won the Best Actor award at the 2008 Gol Aga Comedy Film Festival. He recently directed Red Carpet. Reza Attaran is also known for his role as Naser in 2016 comedy I Am Not Salvador (Man Salvador Nistam).
When is Reza Attaran birthday?
How old is Reza Attaran?
Reza Attaran is currently 56 years old.
How tall is Reza Attaran?
Reza Attaran is 5′ 7″ (1.70 m) tall.
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