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Profile Bio: Who is Regine Velasquez?
Regine Velasquez is a best-selling Filipino pop singer, recording artist, record producer, and accomplished actress. In her home country, she is known as "Asia's Songbird" and "The Queen of Pop." She is celebrated for her vocal range, musical diversity, and her trademark use of the "belting" technique
When is Regine Velasquez birthday?
How old is Regine Velasquez?
Regine Velasquez is currently 54 years old.
How tall is Regine Velasquez?
Regine Velasquez is 5′ 9″ (1.75 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Regine Velasquez?
Regine Velasquez zodiac sign is Taurus.
Where is Regine Velasquez from?
Regine Velasquez Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Regine Velasquez nationality?
Regine Velasquez Zodiac: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Introduced in The Untouchable Family (1988). First recorded song was Love Me Again under Octo-Arts in 1986 as Chona Velasquez. It got cold response. At early elementary age, Regine joined various singing competitions in provinces around the country. Out of 200 competitions she entered, she won 67 of them.
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