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Profile Bio: Who is Olivier Giroud?
When is Olivier Giroud birthday?
Olivier Giroud was born on September 30, 1986.
How old is Olivier Giroud?
Olivier Giroud is currently 38 years old.
How tall is Olivier Giroud?
Olivier Giroud is 6′ 3″ (1.91 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Footballer; who has played for Grenoble (2005-08), Istres (2007-08 - loan), Tours (2008-10) (2010 - loan), Montpellier (2010-12), Arsenal (2012-18) and Chelsea (2018-Present). Giroud has represented France since 2011. Both his grandmothers are Italian. Bronze Boot winner for UEFA Euro 2016 as joint second-highest goalscorer,.
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