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Profile Bio: Who is Olaf Kayhan?
Olaf Kayhan was born on May 27, 1969, in Leverkusen, Germany. He embarked on his educational journey by training as an industrial mechanic with a focus on operational technology. This technical background laid a solid foundation for his diverse career. In addition to his technical expertise, Kayhan pursued a career in acting, where he has made significant strides. His notable roles in films such as “The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare” (2024), “MS Estonia” (2023), and “Yüz Yillik Mucize” (2023) have established him as a respected actor in the entertainment industry. His performances have been well-received, showcasing his versatility and dedication to his craft. Family: Spouse: Nuray (married since October 11, 2009) Children: 1
When is Olaf Kayhan birthday?
How old is Olaf Kayhan?
Olaf Kayhan is currently 55 years old.
How tall is Olaf Kayhan?
Olaf Kayhan is 5′ 9″ (1.75 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Olaf Kayhan?
Olaf Kayhan zodiac sign is Gemini.
Where is Olaf Kayhan from?
Olaf Kayhan was born in Leverkusen, Germany.
What is Olaf Kayhan nationality?
Olaf Kayhan is originally from Germany.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Olaf Kayhan is known for his pivotal roles in films such as "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare" (2024), "MS Estonia" (2023), and "Yüz Yillik Mucize" (2023).
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