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Profile Bio: Who is Shanola Hampton?
Shanola Hampton (born May 27, 1977) is an American actress best known for her role as Veronica Fisher on Showtime dramedy Shameless and as the face model of Rochelle in the video game Left 4 Dead 2.
When is Shanola Hampton birthday?
How old is Shanola Hampton?
Shanola Hampton is currently 47 years old.
How tall is Shanola Hampton?
Shanola Hampton is 5′ 3″ (1.60 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Shanola Hampton?
Shanola Hampton zodiac sign is Gemini.
Where is Shanola Hampton from?
Shanola Hampton Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Shanola Hampton nationality?
Shanola Hampton Zodiac: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Gave birth to her 1st child at age 36, a daughter named Cai MyAnna Dukes on January 20, 2014. Child's father is her husband, Daren Dukes. Shanola Hampton has mentored aspiring actresses through the "Saving Our Cinderellas" initiative of the Saving Our Daughters foundation. Shanola Hampton, who plays Veronica, first appeared opposite her "Shameless" co-star Steve Howey, who plays her husband, Kevin, in a 2001 episode of "Reba."
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