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Profile Bio: Who is Nikolay Valuev?
Nikolai Valuev is a Russian political and sports figure. Member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI, VII and VIII convocations, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Tourism and Tourism Infrastructure Development since October 13, 2021. During his boxing career, he competed in the heavyweight category. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2020), WBA world heavyweight champion (2005-2007, 2009), interim WBA heavyweight world champion (2008-2009), heavyweight champion according to the Pan-Asian Boxing Association ( 2000), Russian heavyweight champion among professionals (1999). Vice-President of the Bandy Federation of Russia, since August 9, 2016 - the host of the children's program "Good night, kids!", Chairman of the public council of the ANO "Public Forum "Ecology"" since 2017.
When is Nikolay Valuev birthday?
How old is Nikolay Valuev?
Nikolay Valuev is currently 51 years old.
How tall is Nikolay Valuev?
Nikolay Valuev is 7′ (2.13 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
First Russian professional heavyweight champion, holding the WBA title since 17 December 2005. Being the tallest and heaviest World Champion to date, he is often compared to Dolph Lundgren's Rocky IV (1985) character "Ivan Drago". (December 20) Defeated Evander Holyfield by unanimous decision to defend his WBA heavyweight title in Zurich, Switzerland. (2008)
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