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Profile Bio: Who is Nabil Shaban?
Nabil Shaban was born in 1953 in Amman, Jordan and arrived in England when he was three for treatment for his osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle-bone disease). He spent the next six years in hospital and seven in a children's home. In 1980, he and Richard Tomlinson founded Graeae (pronounced Grey Eye), a professional theatre company of disabled performers. A writer and performer with many film and television credits, he is probably best known to television viewers for his role as ruthless businessman Sil in the Doctor Who stories 'Vengeance on Varos' and 'The Trial of a Time Lord' (BBC, 1985 + 1986).
When is Nabil Shaban birthday?
Nabil Shaban was born on February 12, 1953.
How old is Nabil Shaban?
Nabil Shaban is currently 71 years old.
How tall is Nabil Shaban?
Nabil Shaban Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Has claimed in an interview with Doctor Who Magazine he is blacklisted by the B.B.C. because he was against the second Gulf war. Brother of Jazz Shaban. Co-founder with Richard Tomlinson of Graeae theatre company.
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