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Profile Bio: Who is Michael Wincott?
Michael Anthony Claudio Wincott (born January 21, 1958) is a Canadian actor. His deep, raspy voice has often led to his being cast in villainous roles.
When is Michael Wincott birthday?
Michael Wincott was born on January 21, 1958.
How old is Michael Wincott?
Michael Wincott is currently 67 years old.
How tall is Michael Wincott?
Michael Wincott is 5′ 10½″ (1.79 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
He plays a multitude of instruments including drums, harmonica, guitar and piano. He is known for his apathetic stance on celebrity and the ideals of Hollywood, often stating that he holds art in higher regard than money. Has appeared in two films based on Alexandre Dumas' works: The Three Musketeers (1993) and The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
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