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Profile Bio: Who is Martina McBride?
Martina McBride was born on July 29, 1966 in Sharon, Kansas, USA as Martina Mariea Schiff. She has been married to John McBride since May 15, 1988. They have three children.
When is Martina McBride birthday?
How old is Martina McBride?
Martina McBride is currently 58 years old.
How tall is Martina McBride?
Martina McBride is 5′ 4″ (1.63 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Husband John McBride is a crew member for Garth Brooks. Daughter, Ava McBride (aka Ava Rose Kathleen McBride), was born on June 20, 2005. Friend of Loretta Lynn (her idol), Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Garth Brooks and Reba McEntire (her mentor).
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