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Profile Bio: Who is María Rojo?
María Rojo is the artistic name of María de Lourdes Rojo e Incháustegui (Mexico City, August 15, 1943), a Mexican film, theater and television actress. Daughter of Roberto Rojo, an agronomist, and Águeda Incháustegui, a school teacher. From her childhood, she remembers being nervous and suffering from dyslexia, which brought her personality problems and insecurity, but she soon stood out for her artistic skills. She began her artistic career at the age of eight, when she was selected in a casting to participate in the Teatro Fantástico program, where she played the girl Ciquirritica. Then, she has developed a fruitful career that exceeds 60 years, and in 2018, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences officially invited her to be a special part of its new members. She is the first actress to receive the "Premio Bellas Artes" for her great career, and Winner of the Ariel Award, including the "Ariel de Oro" out of a total of 11 nominations, she is considered one of the best actresses in the history of Mexico.
When is María Rojo birthday?
How old is María Rojo?
María Rojo is currently 81 years old.
How tall is María Rojo?
María Rojo Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is María Rojo?
María Rojo zodiac sign is Leo.
Where is María Rojo from?
María Rojo was born in Mexico City, Mexico.
What is María Rojo nationality?
María Rojo is originally from Mexico.
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