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Profile Bio: Who is Lois Chimimba?
Lois Chimimba is a Scottish actress. She is best known for her roles in television programmes, including Beth Forbes in Holby City (2014), Karen in the medical drama Trust Me, Hannah Bailey in the Netflix television series The One (2021), and Tara Kierly in the drama television series Vigil (2021).
When is Lois Chimimba birthday?
How old is Lois Chimimba?
Lois Chimimba is currently 33 years old.
How tall is Lois Chimimba?
Lois Chimimba is 5′ 5″ (1.65 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Born in Glasgow to a Scottish mother and Malawian father who met as engineering students.
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