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Profile Bio: Who is Leslie Zemeckis?
Leslie Zemeckis is a best-selling actress, writer and award-winning documentarian. Leslie's critically acclaimed films include Behind the Burly Q, the true story of old-time burlesque in America. She the author of Behind the Burly Q, the definitive oral history of burlesque and Goddess of Love Incarnate; the Life of Stripteuse Lili St. Cyr. Her third book Feuding Fan Dancers was published and became a bestseller October 2, 2018 about Sally Rand, Faith Bacon and the golden age of the showgirl. Specializing in women in American pop culture from the early part of the 20th century Zemeckis is a frequent contributor to Huffington Post, Medium, Talkhouse and has written for W Magazine and Stork Magazine. She has presented her work and spoken at panels and Universities including Santa Barbara City College, Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, The Chicago Club, Chicago History Museum, MoMa, Burlesque Hall of Fame, Burly Con. She continues to revisit and shine a light on formerly stigmatize and marginalized female entertainers.
When is Leslie Zemeckis birthday?
Leslie Zemeckis was born on February 05, 1969.
How old is Leslie Zemeckis?
Leslie Zemeckis is currently 55 years old.
How tall is Leslie Zemeckis?
Leslie Zemeckis Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Leslie Zemeckis?
Leslie Zemeckis zodiac sign is Aquarius.
Where is Leslie Zemeckis from?
Leslie Zemeckis Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Leslie Zemeckis nationality?
Leslie Zemeckis Zodiac: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Lives in Santa Barbara, California with her husband, Robert Zemeckis, and their two children. Stepmother of Alexander Zemeckis. Married in Italy. Have a vacation home, a villa, in Tuscany, Italy.
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