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Profile Bio: Who is Lee Child?
Lee Child was born in the exact geographic centre of England, in the heart of the industrial badlands. Never saw a tree until he was 12. It was the sort of place where if you fell in the river, you had to go to the hospital for a mandatory stomach pump. The sort of place where minor disputes were settled with box cutters and bicycle chains. He's got the scars to prove it.
When is Lee Child birthday?
Lee Child was born on October 29, 1954.
How old is Lee Child?
Lee Child is currently 70 years old.
How tall is Lee Child?
Lee Child is 6′ 4″ (1.93 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Lee Child?
Lee Child zodiac sign is Scorpio.
Where is Lee Child from?
Lee Child was born in Coventry, West Midlands, England.
What is Lee Child nationality?
Lee Child is originally from England.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Did not start writing until he was 40 years old though he learned to read at age 3. Always begins writing each new Jack Reacher novel on September 1st as a means of avoiding the pitfalls of procrastination. Graduated from Law school at Sheffield university even though he never wanted to become a lawyer.
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