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Profile Bio: Who is Lázaro Ramos?
Luís Lázaro Sacramento Ramos (born November 1, 1978) is a Brazilian actor, presenter, director, writer and voice actor. He started his acting career with the Flock of Olodum Theater group, in Salvador, and is best known for his portrayal of João Francisco dos Santos in the 2002 film Madame Satã (film). Lázaro is married to Brazilian actress Taís Araújo. In 2007, he was nominated for the 35th International Emmy Awards for Best Actor for his role in Cobras & Lagartos.
When is Lázaro Ramos birthday?
Lázaro Ramos was born on November 01, 1978.
How old is Lázaro Ramos?
Lázaro Ramos is currently 46 years old.
How tall is Lázaro Ramos?
Lázaro Ramos is 5′ 10¾″ (1.80 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Good friend of actors Wagner Moura and Vladimir Brichta. First child, a boy named João Vicente, was born on June 18, 2011 in Rio de Janeiro. Mother is actress Taís Araújo. Considered one of best actors of his generation.
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