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Profile Bio: Who is Kristjan Pütsep?
Kristjan Pütsep (born February 11, 1987 in Tartu) is an Estonian film producer, special effects technician and musician in the band Ilge Vateva. He graduated from Reiniku High School in Tartu in 2005 and studied film management and production at the Baltic Film and Media School in 2006-2008.
When is Kristjan Pütsep birthday?
Kristjan Pütsep was born on February 11, 1987.
How old is Kristjan Pütsep?
Kristjan Pütsep is currently 37 years old.
How tall is Kristjan Pütsep?
Kristjan Pütsep Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Kristjan Pütsep?
Kristjan Pütsep zodiac sign is Aquarius.
Where is Kristjan Pütsep from?
Kristjan Pütsep was born in Tartu, Estonian SSR, USSR [now Estonia].
What is Kristjan Pütsep nationality?
Kristjan Pütsep is originally from USSR [now Estonia].
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