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Profile Bio: Who is Kiyoshi Kurosawa?
Kiyoshi Kurosawa (黒沢 清, Kurosawa Kiyoshi, born July 19, 1955; Kobe) is a Japanese film director, screenwriter, film critic, actor, and professor at Tokyo University of the Arts. Noted for his psychological films that often focus on ambiguous narratives and on their characters' inner turmoils and quests for meaning and connections, he is best known for his contributions to psychological horror and Japanese horror, notably his acclaimed 1997 film Cure, although he has also worked in a variety of other genres.
When is Kiyoshi Kurosawa birthday?
How old is Kiyoshi Kurosawa?
Kiyoshi Kurosawa is currently 69 years old.
How tall is Kiyoshi Kurosawa?
Kiyoshi Kurosawa Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Is not related to Akira Kurosawa.
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