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Profile Bio: Who is Julianne Phillips?
Julianne Phillips is an American model and actress. She began her career as a model in the early 1980s, moved on to acting, attracted attention as the first wife of Bruce Springsteen, and later portrayed Francesca "Frankie" Reed on the television drama series Sisters. Wikipedia
When is Julianne Phillips birthday?
How old is Julianne Phillips?
Julianne Phillips is currently 64 years old.
How tall is Julianne Phillips?
Julianne Phillips is 5′ 8″ (1.73 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Bruce Springsteen's "Tunnel of Love" album was released around the time his marriage to Julianne was breaking up. Many of its songs, such as "One Step Up" reflect that unhappiness. Was supposed to audition for the role of Charlie in Top Gun (1986) but was denied the chance to do so after the producers chose Kelly McGillis for the role. Born on exactly the same date as "La Femme Nikita" star Anne Parillaud, and as "Touched by an Angel" star Roma Downey.
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