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Profile Bio: Who is Jordyn Raya James?
Jordyn Raya James was born in Upland, California. Having a diverse ethnicity of African-American. Korean and Caucasian, Jordyn began her performance career at the age of 18 months modeling for Carter's and made her first T.V. appearance in 2014 on the second season of ABC's Bet on Your Baby. No stranger to the camera Jordyn has grown with a passion for performance, arts, and music with a strong affection for playing the piano. Jordyn's short film debut was in the role of "Young Yuna", the Malaysian Indie R&B singer/ songwriter for the She's Mercedes International Women's Day campaign for Mercedes Benz called the Female Bond. Jordyn now reoccurs on the web series Kids React, People vs. Food and Try not to Smile or Laugh produced by Fine Brothers Entertainment. Commercial spots include Doc McStuffins baby nursery Ap and Disney Aqua Beads. Besides acting and modeling, Jordyn loves gymnastics and swimming
When is Jordyn Raya James birthday?
How old is Jordyn Raya James?
Jordyn Raya James is currently 20 years old.
How tall is Jordyn Raya James?
Jordyn Raya James Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Jordyn Raya James?
Jordyn Raya James zodiac sign is Taurus.
Where is Jordyn Raya James from?
Jordyn Raya James Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Jordyn Raya James nationality?
Jordyn Raya James Zodiac: Currently Not Available
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