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Profile Bio: Who is John Wilson?
John D. Wilson was a British animation director, producer, and animator. He began his career after World War II, working in the art department of Pinewood Studios. John then joined GB Animation, where learned the art of animation under the tutelage of former Disney animation director David Hand. In 1950, the Wilson family immigrated to the United States where John joined the Walt Disney Studios and worked on classic films such as Peter Pan and Lady and the Tramp as well as cartoons. In 1955, Wilson founded his own animation company, Fine Arts Films.
When is John Wilson birthday?
How old is John Wilson?
John Wilson is currently 105 years old.
How tall is John Wilson?
John Wilson is 6′ (1.83 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Retired, living in England. (January 2003)
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