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Profile Bio: Who is Jerzy Skolimowski?
Jerzy Skolimowski is a Polish film director, screenwriter, dramatist and actor. He’s a graduate of the prestigious National Film School in Łódź. In 1967 he was awarded the Golden Bear prize for his film “Le départ”. He lived in Los Angeles for over 20 years where he painted in a figurative, expressionist mode and occasionally acted in films. He received the Golden Lion Award for Lifetime Achievement at the 2016 Venice Film Festival.
When is Jerzy Skolimowski birthday?
How old is Jerzy Skolimowski?
Jerzy Skolimowski is currently 86 years old.
How tall is Jerzy Skolimowski?
Jerzy Skolimowski Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
His film Hands Up! (1981) (aka Hands Up!) was banned from distribution. It appeared as a surprise special event at the Cannes Festival in 1981. He is also a well-known painter. Good friends with Roman Polanski and Andrzej Wajda.
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