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Profile Bio: Who is Jacqi Vene?
Jacqi was born in Reno Nevada on a small farm of horses, cows and chickens. Her family moved to Tucson when she was 10 years old. She then pursued theatre in school and landed her first role playing Pinocchio in Pinocchio. After that she fell in love with theatre and did over 15 shows in Highschool being able to experience writing and directing. She became interested in Commedia Del'Arte Theatre and wrote and performed in a few shows in Tucson. Then she moved to Los Angeles at the age of 18 and made her way into film. She is getting a degree in creative writing and looks forward to life unfolding in a beautiful way for her to continue doing what she loves. Sharing her heart.
When is Jacqi Vene birthday?
Jacqi Vene was born on February 27, 1997.
How old is Jacqi Vene?
Jacqi Vene is currently 27 years old.
How tall is Jacqi Vene?
Jacqi Vene is 5′ 7½″ (1.71 m) tall.
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