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Profile Bio: Who is Irán Castillo?
Irán Castillo (born Irán Castillo Pinzón on January 4, 1977 in Veracruz, Mexico) is a Mexican actress and singer. Who began her career in the 1990s, after roles in telenovelas such as Agujetas de color de rosa, Confidente de Secundaria, and Preciosa. Subsequently, she appeared in telenovelas such as Soñadoras, Amar Otra Vez and Clase 406, as well as films like El Tigre de Santa Julia, La Segunda Noche and Cabeza de Buda. Also she is known as a singer for her single "Yo por el" (1997).
When is Irán Castillo birthday?
Irán Castillo was born on January 04, 1977.
How old is Irán Castillo?
Irán Castillo is currently 48 years old.
How tall is Irán Castillo?
Irán Castillo is 5′ 5″ (1.65 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Spanish dubbed voice for Jessie in Toy Story 2 (1999). Was named after the actress Irán Eory because her father, Carlos Castillo, was a big fan of hers. Spanish dubbed voice for Jessie in Toy Story 3 (2010).
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