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Profile Bio: Who is Ines Rivero?
Rivero was born in Argentina. She was raised in the town Cordoba, Argentina. Her mother enrolled her into a modeling school when she was a young girl. She made her modeling debut at the age of 14 at a local fashion show. An agent discovered Rivero through her modeling school at age 16 in her hometown, Cordoba. One year later, at age 17, she had a huge success when she won the "Elite Look of the Year" contest in Argentina. She appeared in the movie The Devil Wears Prada (2006), and Boys and Girls (2000).
When is Ines Rivero birthday?
How old is Ines Rivero?
Ines Rivero is currently 49 years old.
How tall is Ines Rivero?
Ines Rivero is 5′ 11″ (1.80 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
She won the Elite Look of the Year Contest in Argentina One of the world's top fashion models. Former member staff at Pancho Dotto's models.
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