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Profile Bio: Who is Humberto Zurita?
Humberto Zurita was born on September 2, 1954 in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico. He is an actor and producer, known for Euforia (2010), Bajo la metralla (1983) and El tres de copas (1986). He has been married to Christian Bach since February 6, 1986. They have two children.
When is Humberto Zurita birthday?
Humberto Zurita was born on September 02, 1954.
How old is Humberto Zurita?
Humberto Zurita is currently 70 years old.
How tall is Humberto Zurita?
Humberto Zurita Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Has nine brothers and sisters. Married to actress/producer Christian Bach, they have two sons Sebastian and Emiliano. Moved from Mexico to Miami with wife Christian and their two sons. (October 2005)
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