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Profile Bio: Who is Helen Twelvetrees?
American stage and screen performer, considered a top female star in the early days of sound films.
When is Helen Twelvetrees birthday?
Helen Twelvetrees was born on December 25, 1908.
How old is Helen Twelvetrees?
Helen Twelvetrees is currently 116 years old.
How tall is Helen Twelvetrees?
Helen Twelvetrees is 5′ 3″ (1.60 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Helen was an accomplished artist and painted scenes during her travels around the world with her military husband. During the time of her popularity, a popular joke was that she was Lassie's favorite actress. Her first screen role required her to lisp and, following the movie's release, word spread that she had a serious speech impediment.
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