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Profile Bio: Who is Heidi von Palleske?
Heidi von Palleske was born on November 9, 1959 in Toronto, Canada. She is an actress and writer, known for Dead Ringers (1988), The Boys Club (1996) and RED (2010).
When is Heidi von Palleske birthday?
Heidi von Palleske was born on October 09, 1960.
How old is Heidi von Palleske?
Heidi von Palleske is currently 64 years old.
How tall is Heidi von Palleske?
Heidi von Palleske is 5′ 8″ (1.73 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Heidi's face was used for a line of mannequins sculpted by the late, Robert Filoso. Her daughter, Cavanagh Matmor, is also an actress. Heidi once had her own late night talk radio show on AM640 Toronto.
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