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Profile Bio: Who is Hana Laslo?
Laslo rose to fame in the 1980s and 1990s in the wake of comedy routines in which she portrayed such characters as 'Safta Zapta' and 'Clara the cleaning woman.' In 2005 she won the Best Actress Award at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival for her role in Free Zone. Her parents were both Holocaust survivors. In 1972–1973, she served in the Israel Defense Forces Southern Command musical troupe. She was married to Israeli media proprietor Aviv Giladi, with whom she has two sons - Ben and Itamar. Her eldest, Ben Giladi, is a film producer that works for Len Blavatnik's AI-Film and operates between London, LA and Tel-Aviv. Her daughter-in-law is Israeli Actress Romi Aboulafia. Hanna was also married and divorced businessman Benny Bloch.
When is Hana Laslo birthday?
How old is Hana Laslo?
Hana Laslo is currently 71 years old.
How tall is Hana Laslo?
Hana Laslo Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Has two sons with her 1st husband Aviv Giladi.
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