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Profile Bio: Who is Gareth Hunt?
Alan Leonard Hunt was a British actor, known as Gareth Hunt, best remembered for playing the footman Frederick Norton in Upstairs, Downstairs and Mike Gambit in The New Avengers.
When is Gareth Hunt birthday?
Gareth Hunt was born on February 07, 1942.
How old is Gareth Hunt?
Gareth Hunt is currently 82 years old.
How tall is Gareth Hunt?
Gareth Hunt is 6′ (1.83 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Famous for his Nescafe coffee television commercials in which he shook coffee beans in his hands. Began failing in health in 1999 after suffering a heart attack. His father worked as a coal man and was killed during World War II when Hunt was two years old.
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