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Profile Bio: Who is Frank Thornton?
Frank Thornton Ball (15 January 1921 - 16 March 2013), professionally known as Frank Thornton, was an English actor. He was known for playing Captain Peacock in Are You Being Served? (1972-1985) and its sequel Grace & Favour and as Herbert "Truly" Truelove in Last of the Summer Wine.
When is Frank Thornton birthday?
Frank Thornton was born on January 15, 1921.
How old is Frank Thornton?
Frank Thornton is currently 104 years old.
How tall is Frank Thornton?
Frank Thornton is 6′ (1.83 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
A Flying Officer during WWII, Frank later toured the RAF Gangshows as a talent-spotter. Amongst those he noted as having potential were Sgt Tony Hancock and Cpl Peter Sellers. A memorial service was held for him at St. Paul's Church, Covent Garden on 12th July 2013. Left £1.6 million in his will.
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