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Profile Bio: Who is Filip Šovagović?
Filip Šovagović (born September 13, 1966 in Zagreb, SR Croatia, SFR Yugoslavia) is a Croatian actor, playwright and journalist. At first known simply as the son of renowned Croatian actor Fabijan Šovagović borned in Ladimirevci, Filip Šovagović has appeared in many films and TV shows in the last decade and a half, gradually building a reputation of his own. His films include No Man's Land, Oscar winner, and in 2005 he made his directorial début with the film Pušća Bistra. Šovagović is author of five plays, one of them, "The Brick", won the most important European radio award, Grand Prix of Italia. He writes a column in the Croatian daily newspaper 24 sata. His sister Anja Šovagović-Despot is also a renowned actress.
When is Filip Šovagović birthday?
Filip Šovagović was born on September 13, 1966.
How old is Filip Šovagović?
Filip Šovagović is currently 58 years old.
How tall is Filip Šovagović?
Filip Šovagović is 5′ 11¾″ (1.82 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Filip Šovagović?
Filip Šovagović zodiac sign is Virgo.
Where is Filip Šovagović from?
Filip Šovagović was born in Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia (now Zagreb.
What is Filip Šovagović nationality?
Filip Šovagović is originally from Yugoslavia (now Zagreb.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Has a daughter named Klara (born in 1994) with his ex-wife Ruza Grizelj. Divorced, but remained a loving and caring father. Ranked #13 in Croatian-based monthly film magazine "Hollywood" in «Best Croatian Male Movie Stars of All Time» list. (November 2005) He is the voice of Garfield in the Croatian version of Garfield: The Movie (2004).
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