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Profile Bio: Who is Elaine Cassidy?
Elaine Cassidy (born December 31, 1979) is an Irish actress best known for Harper's Island, Felicia's Journey, Disco Pigs and The Others.
When is Elaine Cassidy birthday?
Elaine Cassidy was born on December 31, 1979.
How old is Elaine Cassidy?
Elaine Cassidy is currently 45 years old.
How tall is Elaine Cassidy?
Elaine Cassidy is 5′ 3″ (1.60 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Speaks Irish, English, Spanish, and German. Gave birth to her 1st child at age 29, a daughter Kíla Lord Cassidy on September 16, 2009. Child's father is her husband, Stephen Lord. 2001: Named as one of European films' Shooting Stars by European Film Promotion.
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