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Profile Bio: Who is Denis Arndt?
Denis Arndt (born November 23, 1939) is an American actor, best known for his starring role as Alex Priest in the play Heisenberg for which he earned a 2017 Tony Award nomination for Best Actor in a Play.
When is Denis Arndt birthday?
Denis Arndt was born on February 23, 1939.
How old is Denis Arndt?
Denis Arndt is currently 85 years old.
How tall is Denis Arndt?
Denis Arndt Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Denis Arndt?
Denis Arndt zodiac sign is Pisces.
Where is Denis Arndt from?
Denis Arndt was born in Issaquah, Washington, USA.
What is Denis Arndt nationality?
Denis Arndt is originally from USA.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Served in the Army as a helicopter pilot in the Vietnam War. Awarded a Purple Heart and Commendation Medal. Flew helicopters in Alaska before completing a degree at the University of Washington. (c. 1980) Member of the Oregon Shakespearean Festival
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