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Profile Bio: Who is Catarina Furtado?
Catarina Furtado (born 25 August 1972) is a Portuguese television presenter, actress and UNFPA Goodwill Ambassador.
When is Catarina Furtado birthday?
How old is Catarina Furtado?
Catarina Furtado is currently 52 years old.
How tall is Catarina Furtado?
Catarina Furtado is 5′ 6¼″ (1.68 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Catarina has a stepdaughter (Maria) from João previous relation and a stepson (Francisco) from João relation to actress Joana Seixas. Speaks Portuguese, English and French. She has done a variety of work for Portugal's leading media companies such as RTP, SIC, Radio Comercial, and Antena 3, as a host, interviewer, actress, and spokesperson.
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