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Profile Bio: Who is Cas Anvar?
Cas Anvar (Persian: کاس انور; born March 15, 1966) is a Canadian actor and known for the SyFy/Amazon Prime Video science fiction television series The Expanse.
When is Cas Anvar birthday?
How old is Cas Anvar?
Cas Anvar is currently 58 years old.
How tall is Cas Anvar?
Cas Anvar is 5′ 11″ (1.80 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Cas Anvar?
Cas Anvar zodiac sign is Pisces.
Where is Cas Anvar from?
Cas Anvar Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Cas Anvar nationality?
Cas Anvar Zodiac: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Speaks English, French, Persian and some limited Arabic, Hindi, and Spanish. Has Persian, Indian, Lebanese and Latino heritage. Is the Artistic Director and Founder of the Repercussion Theatre company.
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