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Profile Bio: Who is Braeden Sorbo?
Braeden Cooper Sorbo was born on August 22nd, 2001 in Henderson, Nevada and raised in Thousand Oaks, California, to Sam and Kevin Sorbo. He is of mostly Norwegian descent. He graduated from Classical Conversations in 2019, and has two younger siblings, Shane and Octavia. Braeden came to prominence during his first film Let There Be Light, where he portrayed the honest Gus Harkins. More recently he has taken on rolls in Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist, A Wave of Kindness, Success Camp, Miracle In East Texas, and Cuisine de la 'Pocalypse.
When is Braeden Sorbo birthday?
How old is Braeden Sorbo?
Braeden Sorbo is currently 23 years old.
How tall is Braeden Sorbo?
Braeden Sorbo is 6′ 5½″ (1.97 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Braeden streams on Twitch four days a week.
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