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Profile Bio: Who is Bill Butler?
Wilmer Cable Butler (April 7, 1921 – April 5, 2023) was an American cinematographer who was known for his work on The Conversation (1974), Jaws (1975), and three Rocky sequels. Butler also completed One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) after Haskell Wexler was fired from the production, and was subsequently nominated for an Academy Award for Best Cinematography.
When is Bill Butler birthday?
How old is Bill Butler?
Bill Butler is currently 103 years old.
How tall is Bill Butler?
Bill Butler Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Bill Butler?
Bill Butler zodiac sign is Aries.
Where is Bill Butler from?
Bill Butler was born in Cripple Creek, Colorado, USA.
What is Bill Butler nationality?
Bill Butler is originally from USA.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Educated at Iowa Wesleyan and the University of Iowa. Both his daughters worked on his film, Deceiver (1997). Not to be mistaken for A Clockwork Orange (and many other films) editor Bill Butler.
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