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Profile Bio: Who is Bernard Bresslaw?
A RADA scholar who was spotted by Laurence Olivier, Bernard Bresslaw got professional security from the "Carry On" films but was typecast (as TV's The Army Game (1957) had done earlier). He was beginning to extend himself through stage work when, in 1993, just before a performance in "The Taming Of The Shrew" in Regent's Park, London, he had a heart attack and died at the age of 59.
When is Bernard Bresslaw birthday?
Bernard Bresslaw was born on February 25, 1934.
How old is Bernard Bresslaw?
Bernard Bresslaw is currently 90 years old.
How tall is Bernard Bresslaw?
Bernard Bresslaw is 6′ 6″ (1.98 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
He made great efforts to prepare for roles, for example learning genuine Swahili phrases for Carry on Up the Jungle (1970). Despite appearing to be rather dumb in many of his films, he was very well read. Bresslaw was the author of a privately published volume of poetry, Ode to the Dead Sea Scrolls.
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