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Profile Bio: Who is Bernadette Birkett?
When is Bernadette Birkett birthday?
How old is Bernadette Birkett?
Bernadette Birkett is currently 78 years old.
How tall is Bernadette Birkett?
Bernadette Birkett is 5′ 8½″ (1.74 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Is the eldest of 10 children, and has five children of her own (two from her first marriage and three with current husband, actor George Wendt). Children: Hilary Wendt (b. 1985), Joe Wendt (b. 1987) and Daniel Wendt (b. 1990) with George Wendt and Joshua (b. 1968) and Andrew (b. 1970) from her first marriage. Older sister of Joe Birkett. She and George Wendt appeared at a fund raiser in his failed bid for the Illinois Attorney General in 2002.
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