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Profile Bio: Who is Ayisha Issa?
Ayisha Issa is a Canadian film and television actress born and raised in Montreal, Quebec. In addition to her work in the entertainment industry, Ayisha trains and competes in Brazilian Jiujitsu, regularly engages in various projects related to youth at risk and is one of the newer speakers working with the Bruny Surin Foundation throughout the province of Quebec.
When is Ayisha Issa birthday?
How old is Ayisha Issa?
Ayisha Issa is currently 40 years old.
How tall is Ayisha Issa?
Ayisha Issa is 6′ (1.83 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Ayisha has her purple belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu. She won the World Championships as a white belt in 2010 then again as a blue belt in 2014. Ayisha missed the Abu Dhabi World Pro Cup main event because of re-shoots for Immortals in 2011.
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